Interpreting a Jewish Funeral WS

Interpreting a Jewish Funeral Live-Streamed Workshop

Jewish funeral assignments are notoriously hard to fill, mostly because they’re last-minute, but also because many interpreters are not familiar with or comfortable with the prayer and blessings used. Join us on Zoom for a live-streamed workshop that delves in detail into the prayers, blessings and rituals of a Jewish funeral. You don’t have to be Jewish or have any prior knowledge of Judaism or Hebrew to participate in this workshop. You’ll be helping immensely your local Jewish Deaf community and agencies or funeral homes that scramble to fill these assignments.

There are two upcoming workshops Sunday October 28, 2018 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm; and Monday November 12, 2018 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

Each workshop is $45.00 payable by Paypal, Venmo, ApplePay, or a personal check make out to Karen Staller to PO Box 63364 Philadelphia, PA 19114.

Register for the seminar by emailing

Registration deadlines are October 26th and November 9th


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